Balpara was engaged by United Energy (UE) to carry out feature surveying, incorporating ground penetrating radar surveys for the Glen Waverley Zone Substation.
Project Overview
Balpara’s surveying activities were critical to a broader Glen Waverley Zone Substation project. This involved demolishing the existing 22kV switchyard and developing a new 22kV switch room building, in addition to replacing a 66kV circuit breaker.
The Glen Waverley Sub Station is owned and operated by UE and provides power to almost 20,000 customers: primarily residential and some commercial and light industrial businesses. The condition of the secondary assets, switchgear and control building, necessary for the provision of a safe and reliable power supply to customers within the Glen Waverley supply area, was deteriorating and the assets technically obsolete, being unsupported by equipment suppliers with no spares.
This project enables UE to meet current and future demand and minimise risk, creating a safe and dependable electricity supply for the Glen Waverley community.
Balpara conducted a feature survey and employed ground penetrating radar and cable locating to capture all assets within the specified area. This was a complex project, as UE required a comprehensive and accurate understanding of all assets to be incorporated into the new building. It was also necessary to identify any potentially hazardous materials underground. The key requirements of the project included: · Identifying existing Permanent Marks, Benchmarks and Control Points and confirm location and levels. · Defining Temporary benchmarks in the required areas. · Identifying spot heights at appropriate intervals to accurately define the shape of the terrain. · Recording existing equipment plinths and pedestals including Top of Concrete, surface level, extent, and location. · Mapping existing drains, service trenches and exposed services. · Marking fence alignment, identifying gates and fence construction. · Detecting underground services. · Carrying out cable tracing and identify HV cables within the Zone Substation.
· Using documentation received from Dial Before You Dig, pick up in survey any other utilities’ assets within close vicinity of existing UE feeder exit cables. · Confirming and re-establishing title boundaries. All data collected was uploaded and mapped out in AutoCAD. Surveying was undertaken in accordance with the Survey Practice Handbook – Victoria, with recorded points of detail in conformance with Classification AA as set out in Schedule 8 of the Survey Co-ordination (Surveys) Regulations 2004.
Value Add
This project is a much-needed solution to the energy crisis in Australia and paves the way for future, innovative renewable energy projects. Balpara’s involvement aligns with our commitment to engineer a sustainable future for generations to come.
Ausnet & TransGrid Standards