Balpara is committed to safety, quality and reducing the environmental impact of our engineering activities, now and into the future.
Our Quality Management System is ISO 9001 certified, with processes in place to support your business and project. Balpara’s continued dedication to improvement helps us to consistently deliver high quality services.
Our comprehensive OHS systems ensure the safety of our employees, whether in our offices or on site.
Balpara’s team has expert knowledge and understanding of relevant accreditations to ensure compliance. We are also committed to environmental statutory compliance and, where possible, exceeding best practice.
Balpara has comprehensive safety systems and training in place to ensure all employees have awareness and knowledge relevant to their role and work.
Our HSE Manager chairs the Balpara Safety Committee, which consists of senior Balpara employees across various departments, and conducts site audits to ensure compliance.
Balpara has additional site-specific procedures and forms in place to manage the risk of an incident, including our Job Safety & Analysis procedure and Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS).
We also work closely with our employees and secondees to ensure they are safe on-site encouraging the reporting of injuries, incidents and hazards.
Balpara employees have a strong understanding of Safe Work Australia’s Safe Design of Structures Code of Practice.
Safe design is the integration of hazard identification, risk assessment and control methods early in the design process. Its aim is to eliminate or minimise risks to health and safety throughout the construction and life of a structure being designed.
By identifying potential work health and safety hazards early in the design process, our designers make informed decisions to eliminate or minimise potential risks, while applying recognised standards. Any such risks are included in Balpara's Risk Register.
Balpara works with our clients to minimise the environmental impact of our work. Our vision of ‘engineering a bright future’ is incorporated into everything we do, and we provide innovative solutions with a focus on the environment.
Within our Environmental Management Plan (EMP) we have risk mitigation strategies for cross-contamination, to protect native flora and fauna. Special spray kits are provided to our surveyors and detailers for regional work to ensure our vehicle tyres are free of mud before entering protected land.