

Balpara can provide IT specialists by secondments.
April 18, 2024
Balpara’s secondment program allows our clients to access the same individual when they need them throughout the project. Learn more about how it works here.
Overhead view of the modelling in progress
March 29, 2023
One of Balpara's more distinctive offerings is its 3D scanning and modelling service. As one of the first companies to bring this service to the electrical distribution industry, Balpara is providing a significant value add to a range of projects.
Asset relocation
January 23, 2023
In this Q&A, we explain the ins and outs of asset relocation and why every construction project near existing power lines should consider an overhead asset assessment from the earliest stages of planning.
Female electrical engineer
June 22, 2022
To mark International Women in Engineering Day, Balpara spoke to some of its female team members about their experiences working within the sector.
Turning on light switch in home
September 6, 2021
Balpara has once again been recognised for providing exceptional VEDN Auditing services, with our recent appointment to Zinfra's VEDN Auditing Panel.
3D laser scan of the Celestial Avenue substation
August 20, 2021
On one of Balpara’s most recent LiDAR projects, our team captured this rarely seen environment through a series of incredible 3D laser scans.
Construction worker on site
December 3, 2020
To better understand the impact of COVID-19 on engineering employers and jobs, we conducted two surveys, one targeting employers and the other employees.
Drone flying over construction site
September 28, 2020
Drones are becoming an important tool in construction project management. Find out more about the benefits construction companies are seeing.
Truck on worksite
July 17, 2020
As restrictions ease, the government is now looking at ways to stimulate the economy, with its focus on creating new opportunities within the infrastructure space.

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