1. Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to advise external parties that we are committed to protecting and maintaining the privacy, accuracy and security of their personal information by adhering to the Australian Privacy Principles as outlined in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cwth) and any of its amendments. The Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012 outlines the 13 Australian Privacy Principles which Balpara, as part of the Bayside Group, has adopted.
2. Related Documents
Procedure NAT AP 109 Privacy Procedure (for internal use only)
3. Actions and Responsibilities
We have incorporated the 13 Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) in our policy and procedure and summarise these herein to ensure we meet these minimum standards.
Open and transparent management of personal information (APP1)
- Our policy, procedure and practices are set up to ensure we manage personal information in an open and transparent way.
- We only collect information that is directly related to our business. We do not collect or use personal information for the purposes of unlawful discrimination.
Anonymity and pseudonymity (APP2)
- This principle allows for an individual to interact with an organisation by not identifying themselves or to use a pseudonym. The nature of our business means that an exemption applies regarding this principle.
Collection of personal and sensitive information (APP3)
- We only collect personal information (e.g. addresses, phone numbers) that is necessary for our business. We only collect sensitive information (e.g. medical history, criminal history) that is necessary to fulfil our requirements and with the individual’s consent.
Dealing with unsolicited personal information (APP4)
- If we receive unsolicited personal information, we will establish within a reasonable period whether or not we would have been able to collect the information under APP3 if we had asked for it. If we determine we could not have and it is not on Commonwealth record we will lawfully and reasonably destroy the information or ensure the information is de-identified.
Notification of the collection of personal information (APP5)
- Personal information will be collected by Bayside Group for our use and on behalf of Balpara who might require access to your personal information in connection with our business.
- We only collect information by lawful and fair means. We only collect from the individual directly unless it is unreasonable or impractical to so (such as reference checks).
- Our Privacy Procedure and Application Form clearly details the types of personal information we collect, as well as our process for dealing with complaints regarding the information held. A Privacy Officer has been appointed to deal with queries and complaints in line with the Privacy Principles.
Use or disclosure of personal information (APP6)
- We will only use or disclose personal information for the primary purpose of securing work for the job seekers. We will not use or disclose information for a secondary purpose without consent or unless an exemption applies.
Direct marketing (APP7)
- We will not use or disclose personal information we hold for direct marketing purposes unless an individual consents to its use. An individual has the right to receive direct marketing communications from Balpara.
Cross border disclosure (APP8)
- We may transfer personal information to a recipient overseas. If we do, we will take reasonable steps to ensure the recipient treats the information with regard to this principle. We may transfer information overseas without ensuring this APP is met only with your express consent.
Adoption, use or disclosure of government related identifiers (APP9)
- We will not adopt government issued ‘identifiers’ (i.e. tax file number) for our own identification purposes.
Quality of personal information (APP10)
- We will take reasonable steps to make sure the data we collect is accurate, up-to-date and complete. We will take reasonable steps to ensure that the personal information we use is all of the above and relevant.
Security of personal information (APP11)
- We will take reasonable steps to protect personal information we hold from misuse, interference and loss, and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.
- We will take reasonable steps to destroy or de-identify information if the organisation no longer needs the information for any authorised purpose unless required by law or is on Commonwealth record.
Access to personal information (APP12)
- You are entitled to make a request to access your personal information. We will provide the information in the manner requested where practical in a reasonable time frame unless it is subject to an exemption as listed in the legislation and you are not a current or past employee.
- In some cases, we may impose a moderate charge for providing the information but you will not be charged because you lodged a request for access.
- Access will generally be granted but if refused the reasons for refusal will be advised in writing. You will also be able to access our complaints process if you wish to complain about the refusal.
- If you wish to access your information under this principle contact Balpara.
Correction of personal information (APP13)
- We will take reasonable steps to correct personal information to ensure that it is accurate, up-to-date, complete, relevant and not misleading if you request correction and we are satisfied it needs correcting.
- If we do not agree the information is incorrect and we refuse to correct it as requested, you may ask us to place a statement you prepared with your information claiming the information is inaccurate.
- We will respond to a correction request within a reasonable period of time and you will not be charged for the correction or inclusion of your statement.
4. What Information We Hold and How We Collect It
Your personal information is held in a variety of ways, most is held in secure computer and paper-based storage and some may be held on portable devices such as mobile phones, laptops or in diaries held by our staff. We take reasonable steps to protect the personal information we hold from misuse, interference and loss, and from unauthorised access, modification and disclosure.
We only collect personal information (e.g. addresses, phone numbers) that is necessary for our recruitment activities. We only collect sensitive information (e.g. medical history, criminal history) that is necessary to fulfil our recruitment requirements and with the individuals consent. We may collect the opinions of others about your work performance, your work experience and qualifications, aptitude test results and other information in connection with your possible placement.
We do not collect or use personal information for the purposes of unlawful discrimination. We do not collect personal information just because we think it could be useful at some future stage if we have no present need for it. We do not routinely conduct criminal history checks, these are only conducted with regard to particular jobs you may be offered or short listed for. If you browse our web site, we do not collect information that identifies you personally, though we may collect information related to your visit to our website.
5. How We May Use Your Personal Information
- Assessment of suitability for registration with us
- Your actual or possible work placement
- Your performance appraisals
- Any tests or assessments that may be required (including medical)
- Our assessment of your ongoing performance and prospects
- Identifying your training needs
- Suggestions for further training and career advice
- Any workplace rehabilitation
- Our management of any complaint, investigation or inquiry in which you are involved
- Any insurance claim or proposal that requires disclosure of your personal or sensitive information
- Any reference that we may give concerning your work
- Validation (including from appropriate third-party sources) of your resume, CV, agreed referees, or stated qualifications, experience, training or abilities. Where we require third party validation we tell you how we propose to obtain it
- Our statutory compliance obligations
6. Your Personal Information May Be Disclosed To
- Potential and actual employers and clients of Balpara and the Bayside Group;
- Referees;
- A person who seeks a reference about you;
- Balpara and Bayside Group employees, potential employers for secondment roles, and third-party service providers and suppliers overseas for the purpose of job placement;
- Our insurers;
- A professional association or registration body that has a proper interest in the disclosure of your personal and sensitive information;
- A Workers Compensation body;
- Our contractors and suppliers - e.g. our IT contractors, system providers, internet service suppliers and database designers some of whom may be off shore. The offshore sites are located in United State of America, Ireland, New Zealand and United Kingdom;
- A parent, guardian, holder of an enduring power of attorney (or like authority) or next of kin whom we may contact in any case in which consent is required or notification is to be given and where it is not practicable to obtain it from or give it directly to you;
- Any person with a lawful entitlement to obtain the information.
7. Legal Requirements For Personal Information
Some laws such as taxation law, immigration law, laws regulating employment agencies, laws relating to national security, laws relating to professional or trade registration and laws for the protection of certain classes of people (such as children or the elderly) may require that we collect certain types of information (including criminal history) from you that is relevant to the positions for which you may be applying. There may be cases where our duties of care or contractual duties require us to obtain and disclose certain types of personal information relevant to specific jobs.
When requesting information of this type we will tell you whether the supply of that information by you is mandatory or voluntary.
8. If You Do Not Give Us All Or Part Of The Information We Need
- We may be limited in our ability to locate suitable work for you;
- We may be limited in our ability to place you in work;
- We might decline to represent you in your research for work or put you forward for particular positions.
9. Contact Us
If you wish to contact us regarding your personal information you may do so by contacting:
Bayside Group
P.O. Box 7280, St. Kilda Road VIC 8004
BH: 03 9864 6000