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Asset Relocation for High Density Living
July 19, 2019

Balpara was engaged by WSP to survey and devise an electrical design for the relocation of overhead powerlines, as part of a large residential apartment development in Melbourne’s inner suburbs. Following consultation with United Energy, we were contracted to provide construction and project management services for the undergrounding of 22kV line and UE fibre optic cable.


Project Overview

The Balpara team was engaged by WSP to survey 66kV/22kV overhead powerlines to determine sag and sway, and to devise a conventional overhead powerline design. These actions were necessary due to the powerlines close proximity to a new multi-million dollar development.

Our electrical engineering team devised an electrical design that was approved by United Energy. Subsequently, the developer asked us to provide quotes for overhead powerline construction. Balpara successfully secured the construction and project management components of the project to relocate the overhead powerlines. For the next phase, we’ve been engaged to provide electrical design, feature surveying, construction and project management services for the undergrounding of the 22kV line and UE fibre optic cable along Dandenong Road.


Project Scope

  • Production of a detailed scope of works document, in addition to a skills matrix, which demonstrates our personnel’s qualifications and training in construction/civil activities
  • Electrical detailing and as-built drawings in line with applicable standards
  • Project management of the implementation of drawings and tender process, plus the recommendation of construction contractor to developer
  • Electrical design of underground powerlines
  • The construction of existing electrical private supply
  • Provision of a civil base plan for water, gas and sewerage
  • Preparation of electrical as-built drawings
  • Coordination of power

Similar Projects 

  • Camberwell Road, undergrounding OH powerlines
  • Bent Street, undergrounding OH powerlines

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